National Cereal Day celebration
One in eight kids live with hunger in the United States. Access to critical meals like breakfast can help kids across the country grow up healthy, happy, and strong.
In celebration of National Cereal Day, General Mills, Kellogg Company, Post, and Quaker came together on Capitol Hill on March 8, 2023 for a ready-to-eat cereal breakfast and cereal packing event supporting non-profit hunger relief organizations.
In partnership with Share Our Strength’s No Kid Hungry campaign, General Mills, Kellogg Company, Post, and Quaker joined forces to increase awareness of food insecurity and make a donation that can help provide more than 300,000 meals for kids.*

Members of Congress and staff had the opportunity to pack tote bags with ready-to-eat cereal provided by all four brands that were donated to For Love of Children, a Washington D.C.-based non-profit organization focused on out-of-classroom educational services.
“We’re motivated by our collective efforts and long-standing commitment to advocate for affordable, accessible nutrition for children across our nation with a celebration of cereal – a food we all know and love,” said Ricardo Fernandez, President, U.S. Morning Foods at General Mills.

The benefits of ready-to-eat cereal
Ready-to-eat cereal provides impressive nutrition. It is the #1 source of whole grain and fiber and drives milk and fruit consumption. We also know that on average ready-to-eat cereal eaters enjoy more vitamin D, iron, calcium, and folate in their diets than non-cereal eaters (NHANES).
Many ready-to-eat cereals are an effective part of USDA child nutrition programs, driving participation in the School Breakfast Program. Ready-to-eat cereal is also critical in delivering iron and folate to those in the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC). Together, these two programs serve over 20 million people.

To learn more about childhood hunger and how to make a difference in the lives of children facing food insecurity, visit www.nokidhungry.org or www.floc.org.
*No Kid Hungry does not provide individual meals; your donations help support programs that feed kids. Learn more at NoKidHungry.org/OneDollar